Demo shop DEV3

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Privavy Policy


PRIVACY POLICY. The secret of our success is the respect and dedication we have always shown to our customers. We want to ensure that this respect is also evident on the Internet. We are committed to protecting the privacy of our clients' personal information in an electronic environment. DEMO SHOP DEV3 does not disclose to any third party confidential information about its clients (name, address, telephone and fax numbers or e-mail address).


This section states our protocol regarding the collection and use of the information you provide us. The information you entrust to us is valuable and is intended for our use only. Under all circumstances, it will be treated in a manner that maintains its confidentiality. Under no circumstances will we agree to sell or trade the data collected through this site. Similarly, we will never accept or solicit personal information from you unless you choose to provide it to us yourself. The only purpose of the information we request from you is to help us get to know you better; we use it to tailor the content of our site to our customers. This ensures that we are always serving you better.


Your e-mail address will only be used to send you information about special offers and new features on our site. It will not be disclosed to anyone else (organization, company or other). We will collect other information about you through other electronic means, such as the address of the website from which you linked to our site and your type of browser software. We will use this information to tailor our website to your interests and preferences. Cookie" technology is widely used on the Internet. It is harmless and can in no way transmit a computer virus to your computer. Don't worry: no cookie can identify you.